One of our Directors at work, and one of the most well respected people in our organisation retired this year after thirty plus years working in the Health Sector.

Her staff and colleagues asked me to put a poem together for her. As always, they gave me some thoughts about her, and this is what I came up with. I was asked to read it out, and when I did there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.


Goodbye Sally


A smile, and time to lend an ear.

A warm and friendly voice

Skilled hands to heal,

And give comfort too

Such is the nurse’s choice



That was your choice

When you to Dorset came.

And from then, right up to present day

Countless lives, you’ve changed.



 Here, in the heart of the CCG

Where the fun just never stops

You’ve helped us navigate our path

Through the brambles and the rocks



You’ve led us by example

Sometimes firmly – always fair

Steadfast in your professionalism

And not afraid to show you care



You’ve been brave enough to challenge

When you felt the need was right,

And when crisis came upon us

You stood with us in the fight.



You’ve been more than a boss to us,

Always someone on who we can depend.

And though your job title has changed through the years

We’ll always know you as ‘Friend’



When work was done, and dusted

And a team night out came round,

Job titles were left in the office

And we laughed on level ground


You see the good in all you meet

And recognise their worth.

Putting people at their ease

By being down to earth.


 Speaking of earth, you’re travelling

When you leave the CCG

Off to South Africa for three weeks

A wonderful place to see!


Will you get time to practice,

Improving your golf swing?

So you can beat Mark over 9 holes

Now wouldn’t that be a thing!?


Although your time may be taken up

Giving cuddles to young Josie.

Feel free to bring her in to show us

We’ll take turns keeping her cosy.


Oh, all the things you’re going to do

Now with the time that’s yours.

Just remember to pop in now and then

We’ve always got open doors.


We will miss you Sally, oh so much

Especially Jacky, you’re beloved PA

Who asked for these words to be put together

So that we would get to say:


Your smile, and time to lend an ear,

Your warm and friendly voice

We wish we could keep you here with us,

But we know we don’t have that choice.


So, thank you Sally, thank you Boss

Thank you mentor, guide, and friend,

We will miss you, and we love you so –

And that will never end.




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