Monthly Archives: May 2021

Swim days are different.

All day my mind is on swimming.

The anticipation of the swim

Excited nervousness

Builds throughout the day.

For hours beforehand

I’m swimming all those lengths

In my mind.

Thoughts of what I need to do

Areas to work on

Improvements to make

My personal best time and pace

Imprinted on me

Like goggle marks on my face.

Regularly, I check to see

How many other swimmers are booked

At the same time.

I pray for solitude

Wish for the ability to just swim

Without having to stop or slow

For other swimmers.

I have my goal; my target

One focus – just swim.

No time for others.

My swim is not recreational

It’s a challenge.

Me versus the clock.

Me versus myself.

Friday Poem #228: The Man at The Shore

He stands.
Eyes closed,
Bare chested to the sea.
Wind playing with his hair like a lover.
Salt spray stinging his flesh
But he does not feel it.
The mighty roar of the waves
A mere whisper in his ears.
The anguished cry of the seabirds wheeling overhead
An echo of his own distant pain.
Slowly he exhales,
And gently opens his eyes.
For a moment he surveys the turbulent horizon:
The rolling sea,
White-tipped waves that crash repeatedly
Above the churning depths.
In a voice of ages past
Eroded like a cliff by time,
He sighs, and quietly says,
“Bugger it’s cold – I’m off home.”

Friday Poem #227′ Blank

Yet again
My mind is blank.
Unspoilt some might say.
The vast expanse of nothing
Threatening to wash all hope away.
To write; or not to write
For fear of lesser quality
The nerve plucked at the core of me.
So I choose to write
Hating every word
Sure readers will despite it (me)
A notion quite absurd.
And yet impossible to shake.
Confidence is a seedling
That never takes.
So I write about not being able to write:
Well aware of the irony
Although the subject is not the best
And therefore seen as a crime by me.
But time is short
As is my fuse
I’ll take any collection of words to use.
Stuffing rhymes like clothing into a bag
Dangerously close to imagery that’s really bad.
Poor meter too
In constant flux
Which adds to the “just not good enough”
And yet, here I find myself at the end:
Chanting empty promises to make amends.

Friday Poem #226: Laureen

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday poem, which is best enjoyed if you read it to the tune of ‘Joleen’ by the great Dolly Parton.



Laureen, Laureen, Laureen, Laureen

I keep on saying, that’s not who I am.

Laureen, Laureen, Laureen, Laureen

Oh lord above, why can’t you understand?

I’ve worked here now for four long years,

Earnt the respect of all my peers

And pride myself that I give them the same

It really doesn’t take that much,

To keep the courtesy in touch

By making sure I rightly spell their name

But this feels like a one-way street

When there is someone new to meet

And introductions are made by email

I check their spelling; check it twice

To be polite, and downright nice

And yet they fuck my name up without fail

Admittedly, I’m not a Bob

A David, Simon, Keith or Rob

But Laurence cannot be that hard to spell

There’s variations – that I see

But not too much difficulty

That could make basic spelling go to hell

Alas, my forename’s not alone;

My surname is too often prone

To butchering by some incumbent twit

Lagrue: It’s trickier than Smith

Yet people still do take the piss

By failing to get anywhere near it

They’ll add an extra vowel or three;

Chuck in for kicks an X or V

And send that crap to me in their reply

How can they not see that it’s wrong?

Their spell-check must be on Klingon

Because I notice it every time

These are not one offs, don’t you see?

Occurring quite regularly

It’s seems beyond their grasp to get it right

I’m sick of thinking “what the hell?”

And try to work out how they’d spell

My name so badly that it’s impolite.

Enough’s enough: I’ll take no more

It’s time to even up the score

And play these bastards at their own sweet game

I’ll be polite – please rest assured

My wording will be above board

But now I’ll be mis-spelling their own name!

And when they no doubt point it out

Some politely; though some will shout

I’ll let them vent their spleen before I speak

I’ll ask them what gives them the right

To judge my spelling oversight 

When their own spelling game is so damn weak!