Monthly Archives: May 2023

Friday Poem #331: Letter to Myself

Photo by John-Mark Smith on

Letter to Myself

Dearest me
I thought I’d write
I had to let you know tonight
I just can’t do this anymore
Can’t watch you lying on the floor
And not speak about the truth I see
So dry your tears, and listen to me.

I’ve been passenger on the ship your sailing
All points on the compass lead to failing
The horizon just shows fear and doubt
You’ve no rudder with which to turn about.

But failing doesn’t make you a failure
You’re the whole movie - not just the trailer
You can’t judge yourself now or who you’ll ever be
On an individual time of difficulty.

Others may judge you a failure, and that’s a fact
But that is not your only hat.
Only you can be you - your blood, muscle and bone
Who you are in a crowd, and who you are all alone.

We all fail; we all stumble
We see the plans that we made, crumble.
There’s no point just sitting there in shame and in guilt
You have to pick yourself up, and start to rebuild.

So I’m writing this letter, although I’ve always been near
To tell you things that you struggle to hear
When the noise of self-criticism drowns out other voices
But I promise you this; you have other choices.

I can’t say it will be easy - that would be a lie
The biggest challenge you face will be just starting to try
But I know you can do it, and you will see it too
Because there’s more to you being, that just being you.

Friday Poem #330: What Matters

What Matters

The arguments, the battles
The conflicts, the wars
The dreams you are chasing
The regret from before
Those earrings or new things
To put on your feet
The things that you covet
Walking down the street
The diet you battle
The distance you run
The hours that you work
For that week in the sun
The deadlines, the pressure
The emails to read
Trying to catch up
With life at full speed
That fence that needs fixing
The brickwork to mend
The mountain of washing
That just never ends
The schedule we set out
The treadmill we’re on
The hours we spend
Worrying who's right or wrong.

But none of this matters
When you silently weep
At the bedside of a loved one
That you've no power to keep
We would trade every item
That we ever could own
Just to keep them a bit longer
Have them return home.
In those moments of anguish
When we must say goodbye
All we can say is "I love you"
As tears fall from your eyes.

Friday Poem #328: Goggles


I ogled the goggles
Selected a pair
That I thought would look dashing
Make me so debonair
Then waited impatient
Until they did come
Perchance on a swim day
What kismet - what fun!
Unpacked and assembled
(They have a choice of nose clips)
I got ready, with new goggles
To enjoy a good dip.
But as so often in life
What you think will, often is not
And the goggles started leaking
Drop by drip
Drop by drop.
I was bleary eyed and frustrated
Ocularly submerged in despair
Had to get out and swap for my
Original pair
WHich fitted so perfect
Like a vision based hug
Keeping me free from water ingress
Tight to my skin and quite smug.
But I shall not be defeated
New goggles will rise again
I'll make adjustments and testing
And will see how the fit then.