Friday Poem #360: Headstone


When they are done with me in the mortuary
My Headstone shouldn’t torture me
To satisfactorily record my life
I’ve already decided what to write:

‘He lived a life fast and edgy
Wore pants so tight he risked a wedgie
Laughed loudly in the face of fate
Ate coleslaw three days out of date

Defender of the weak and lonely
His party trick involved baloney
Happy to help the infirm or old
Not afraid to drink tea cold.

Never restricted by the rules of fashion
His outlook was always fun and passion
He loved listening in the garden to the birds
Then arrange spices in shops to form rude words.

Words were his life you see; his love; his heart
Poems to set you free or break your heart.
Some would get weird without any warning
There’s a chicken on a bicycle somewhere.

So that’s exactly what I’d have written
I’d rather ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.
A memorial to laughter, not a time to weep
Carved in marble – I don’t want anything cheap.

So, here we are – the last of my Weekly Friday Poems.

As I said before, this isn’t goodbye – I’m just taking some time to reduce the pressure on myself and give myself time to hopefully write better poems.

If you subscribe to this blog I hope you’ll keep up your membership – but I’ll understand if you want to start reading other people.

Thank you to all of you who have been with me on this journey so far….I’ve loved having you by my side.

Until next time….stay safe, share love, and look after yourselves x

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