Good evening, and welcome to my blog.


Ta-da!! Yes, you lucky bunch, just when you were wondering how you would ever cope without knowing if I still had the skills to pay the bills in terms of Poem roulette – where you, the public (you know, the types of people I usually write about in this blog) choose the topic for me to write about in my poem – here I am with a BONUS poem challenge.

Never one to shy from a challenge, I jumped at the chance to spend several hours struggling to  think about where to even start. Ah, happy times………..

I was given the subject of this week’s Friday Poem about eight weeks ago – as I was watching my daughter at her sports day at school. A good friend of mine and my Fiancée’s suggested it while we watched our little ones being forced to compete against each other.

Her choice of subject was in no way related to our children’s sports day.

At least I hope not.

She suggested a write a poem about loose skin.

I know, I know; like a dodgy curry, this could go one of two ways. I’m still not sure if what I have written is the “right way” to go, but as they say “fortune favours the brave” so here it is:

Loose Skin

A healthy lifestyle is advised;

Eat the right things and exercise.

It’s good to lose weight if you are fat

But what do you do when your skin goes slack?

When we were young it wasn’t dramatic;

Our skin sprang back like it was elastic.

But now we’re older, the elastic snaps

So around our bodies our loose skin flaps.


We are constantly bombarded with advice

on how to look what society calls “nice”.

And we work hard to lose the weight

Then when we do we still don’t feel great.

Sure we may well be a smaller size,

But we hate to see our skins demise.

It looks like the wax from a melted candle

Or a ra-ra skirt made from our love handles.


And the folds of skin get hot and sore

As sweat can’t escape from the hidden pores.

Apparently corn-starch can relieve this though

And presumably you can then use it to make some dough.

That’ll be nice – make cakes or scones

(although you might have to eat them on your own)

Or maybe bread, for jam and tea?

(please don’t offer some to me)


Now please don’t think I’m being pedantic

But with loose skin, you still can be romantic.

The motion may set your epidermis slapping

But just think of it as your partner clapping.

In older life sex can be hard on the knees

But with loose skin you’ll get a little breeze

The flapping will stop you getting too hot

Though the rippling may take a while to stop.


Loose skin for many of us, is a fact of life

We can’t all afford to go under the knife.

But our bodies do not define who we are

So don’t worry if your belly needs a bra.

Don’t beat yourself up because you sag everywhere

Or your body looks like a bag of custard covered in hair

Love yourself like your friends do – for what is within.

And who gives a rats arse if you’ve got loose skin.


If you would like me to write a Friday Poem on a subject of YOUR choice, then why not get in touch? It couldn’t be easier – either use the contact form on the ‘about me’ page of this blog, email me directly at, or send me a message on Facebook, or a Tweet on Twitter (@wisforduck)!

I look forward to hearing from you!!














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